—Sezonul 1 Episodul 2—


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While the school is recovering from Blue Snow’s latest activity, Tanukichi recalls his own past and his connection to Anna, gaining the trust of the Student Council. Ayame then tasks him with copying and spreading increasingly-rare paper inserts with suggestive pornographic material across the school. Nina even hangs one such picture in the Student Council room, unaware of the double-meaning behind it until Tanukichi points it out. Tanukichi crushes on Nina again, but Ayame quietly warns him not to pursue her, as she can be frightening when angry, and that Nina’s parents were responsible for the current and potential-future morals laws that have a stranglehold on Japan. Later, Ayame decides to hatch another plot at school during physical exams for the freshmen students. Ayame distracts Nina and Goriki while Tanukichi disguises himself as Blue Snow and attempts to teach some students dirty words by sight. However, Nina catches the disguised Tanukichi before he can finish and chases him around the school, cornering him until Ayame appears as the real Blue Snow with the captured urine samples of the freshmen boys. As Nina and Goriki race after her, Tanukichi takes off his Blue Snow disguise, unaware that an artistic student spotted him from a nearby roof.
