The Wire (2002)

Status serial : Încheiat
Sezoane : 5, Episoade : 60
Data apariţiei: 02-06-2002
Gen serial: Crime ,  Drama
Rating: 8.6 / 10 , 2304 voturi
Durata: 60 min
Televiziune: HBO

Acest serial extrem de realist se concentrează pe investigaţia poliţistă ce are loc la Baltimore într-un caz de trafic de droguri şi crimă.
Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city’s inner-city drug scene. It starts as mid-level drug dealer, D’Angelo Barksdale beats a murder rap. After a conversation with a judge, Det. James McNulty has been assigned to lead a joint homicide and narcotics team, in order to bring down drug kingpin Avon Barksdale.
